When it comes to decreased self-confidence in men, one of the most common reasons behind it is not being tall enough.
That’s because taller men are often more successful and richer than the rest, plus they seem to end up with the hottest women on the face of the planet! And this is why it is entirely normal for a short man to feel inadequate and wonder if he can grow taller.
So, what is the age limit of growth in males? Scientists say that growth spurt in boys occurs between 12 and 15 years old. By the time that they are already between 16 and 18 years old, a lot of them stop growing. However, it is important to note that there are always exceptions to the rule, and that is why some males may continue to grow taller.
You are wondering about the age limit when it comes to height growth in males because most likely, you are already in your 20s or 30s, and you would like to know whether or not your current height could still change.
Well, you will be more than happy to know that it is still very much possible for you to enjoy height increase even if you are way past puberty. On the internet, you can easily come across stories about males who grew taller, and some of them achieved success even if they are already in their 40s!
Don’t stop reading this article if you would like to know more about the male height growth limit and how it can be defied. Below you will come across a few very important matters that a height-conscious male like you should know.
Growth Plates are Major Role Players
Your height is due to a number of different factors. The genes are an important determiner of your height — up to 80% of it is influenced by your DNA. Your nationality is also a very important factor.
For instance, a male Australian is generally taller than a male Indonesian based on a height chart of men in different countries.
However, when the height is being talked about, the so-called growth plates will undoubtedly be mentioned. Put simply, growth plates are areas of the bones that are made up of cartilage, and they are where new bone tissue forms. They are located at the ends of long bones, such as the bones in your legs and arms.
The growth plates in boys tend to stop producing new bone tissue by around 16 years old. This is the reason why, earlier in this article, we mentioned that males usually stop growing in height when they reach 16 to 18 years old.
It is important to note, however, that sometimes the growth plates close before or after 16 years old. It is due to this why some boys tend to stop growing before 16 years old, while others keep on growing after 16 years old.
Nutrients and Exercise are Factors, Too
Above, we talked about the fact that as much as 80% of your height is based on the DNA that you acquired from your parents.
This only means that the remaining 20% is due to some other factors. It is for this reason exactly why even if your parents are short, it is still very much possible for you to have average or even above average height!
Having a balanced diet is a must, especially while the growth plates are still producing new bone tissue. That’s because it allows the body to obtain all the nutrients necessary for optimum bone growth.
We all know that calcium is a vital nutrient for the bone, and that is why the intake of milk and dairy products is highly recommended for those who would like to grow really tall.
Scientists say that nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, fluoride, vitamin D, vitamin A, B vitamins, and protein are important as well to make sure that the bones will be able to grow without trouble.
Staying physically active is highly recommended, too. Engaging in exercise and sports encourages the bones to grow by means of increased human growth hormone levels.
Experts agree that high-impact physical activities such as running, jumping, dancing, and playing basketball are some of those that can encourage a male to grow taller.
So if you were once a boy who didn’t like playing tag with your friends, then it could be the reason why you are not completely happy with your height these days.
It’s Never Too Late to be Taller
Just because you are already in your 20s or 30s and your growth plates have long closed doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to stop growing. A lot of men’s success stories about growing taller despite being past puberty will tell you that there’s still a possibility for you to become a tall male!
Believe it or not, something as simple as maintaining good posture at all times can help you to become a taller person. That’s because it allows you to stretch your spine, thus enabling you to stand tall.
No matter if you are sitting down, standing up or walking around, always keep your posture proper. You can do this by keeping your spine straight, your shoulders slightly pulled back, and your chin parallel to the floor.
Having good posture can also increase your self-confidence, which is something that no woman on the planet can resist because being confident is associated with success and fame.
Earlier, we talked about exercising and playing sports in order to boost the levels of growth hormones. Well, you should keep on being a physically active male even if your growth plates have stopped working a long time ago.
That’s because it can help to keep your bones healthy, thus lowering your risk of suffering from osteoporosis. A type of bone disease, osteoporosis, can make you prone to having fractures.
What’s more, it can also make you a shorter person as a result of the loss of bone density.
Stretching exercises are proven to help increase your height even in your 20s, 30s, or even beyond as they help to decompress the spine and encourage the body to produce more growth hormones as well.
You can choose from a wide variety of stretching exercises that can help you to become a taller man. Some very common examples include hanging, swimming, yoga, and pilates.
Yes, it’s true that the genes determine the height of a male like you. It is also something that is greatly influenced by the growth plates of the bones. This does not mean, however, that you should be a short individual if your mother and father are short and you are past 16 years old, and age when the growth plates usually stop making new bone tissue.
If truth be told, height increase doesn’t have to stop when puberty comes to an end. Just like what’s mentioned earlier, there are tons of success stories about men growing taller even if they are no longer in their teens — you can easily come across such anecdotes on the web.
If these men were able to grow taller and feel more confident, then it could also happen to you! By checking out some of the tips and tricks on how adults can become taller, it is very much possible for you to be able to add a few inches to your height even if you are already in your 20s, 30s, or even 40s!
Related Questions
How many inches do boys gain during a growth spurt?
On average, boys usually gain 3 inches, which is equivalent to 7.6 centimeters per year between 12 to 15 years old when growth spurt tends to happen.
Is it possible to predict a boy’s height?
Experts say that it is possible but not always accurate, and to do that, the height of the mother and father (in inches) should be added together, and 2.5 inches should be added to the sum.
What’s Next?
If you are looking for my story and want to know how I got taller, I recommend checking the my article:
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